At long last, we have completed and delievered to Maryland Public TV our 90-minute film – “The Bayou: DC’s Killer Joint”. The film will debut on MPT Monday, February 25 at 9pm. Other public TV stations across the country will also be airing the film. We will post those stations and dates here and on Facebook as soon as they are available.

We want to thank our friends at The Washington West Film Festival for our November 3 sneak-preview to 250 fans, friends and family. What a great afternoon, positive and meaningful feedback that helped us focus our final edits and graphics. WWFF is a fine new venue for films in the DC area:

AHEAD of the MPT debut, look for news in the next week from Cerphe, on our upcoming “Last Call” Bayou Band Reunion at a major DC venue in mid-February. Cerphe will have the exclusive details in the coming days:

Finally, on this final day of 2012, please consider an additional donation to the Bayou project to help with final film production costs. “The Bayou: DC’s Killer Joint” has a fiscal sponsorship with the International Documentary Association (IDA) a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Checks to “International Documentary Association” (memo “Bayou” 3842) IDA Development Department
1201 W. 5th Street, Suite M270
Los Angeles, CA 90017