Today, live webcast 130-430 pm from the National Conference Center in leesburg virginia, check it out live webcast…/ecybermission-national-showcase
…. 3 camera switch, national conf. center in va, john bogley,- Director, TD Webcaster, Tony .winthrop-Lead Camera, joey ruffini-hand held camera, allie crump- production Assistant
Digital rapids encoder Panasonic hd cameras ag dvx 200 and ajhdx 900, samurai blade, bright eyed mitto scan converter, Blackmagic 4 k 2 ME Switcher
eCYBERMISSION is a web-based Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics competition for 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grade teams. Your team will propose a solution to a real problem in your community and compete for State, Regional and National Awards.
eCYBERMISSION challenges you to explore how Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics work in your world.
check it out on Ustream today and tomorrow 11am-2 pm (national awards luncheon)