Hey all,
We’re in the final stretch of putting together a complete rough cut of the movie. Here is a list of supporting materials that we need:
1. Pic/Video of a Jazz artists in the 1950s, specifically Washington DC artists
2. Photo of Vince Tramonte’s practice / law offices
3. Still of the Wisconsin Ave looking up from the bottom of the hill, preferably in the early 1960s
4. Silver Dollar Nightclub – still either b/w or color of the façade
5. Picture of the Whale bones hanging from the ceiling of the Bayou
6. Pics accenting the eccentricity of pop culture in the late 60s – tie dye, modern-chic, bell bottoms
7. Stills of armed soldiers, national guardsmen, personnel in uniform out on the town
8. Stills of local area military bases in the area — training down by the river
9. Georgetown students 1969
10. Suburban kids in MD and VA of the time period (think Mad Hatters pics, lively, youthful) (NorVa type pics)
11. Democratic National Committee at the Bayou
12. Stills of Avengers and the Pagans – motorcycle gangs tearing through DC, hanging out in DMV suburban backwoods
13. WHFS headquarters – stills from inside or outside the radio station from the early 70s
14. WHFS advertisements for local bands
15. Any other photos of Carl Anderson
16. Robert Stigwood’s Cease and Desist order – members of Second Eagle Band may still have it??
17. Video of the performance of Carl Anderson playing at the church – NBC ownership
18. Advertisement for the 1974 KISS show – the Post maybe
19. Early KISS advertisements or write ups
20. Photo of “Laura” the person who worked in the kitchen at the time. Woodall says is an earth person
21. Photo of Cherry Smash playing with a lot of women around
22. Color stills of DC in the mid 70s – the fashion, the changing look of the neighborhood, cars, people, kids
23. The Runaways at the Bayou – photos or video (if possible)
24. Early promo shots of Foreigner – advertisement of the 1977 show
25. 1977 Foreigner show at the Bayou – AUDIO for Cold As Ice if possible
26. Photos/Video of DC in the 70s
27. Photos of Tim Pace and Paul Wolff setting up the new equipment
28. Photo of Jack Boyle around 1980
29. Cellar Door façade
30. Photos of the inside of the Cellar Door (the old one) including bands, patrons, bartenders – anything that will connote the feeling one got from being inside the club
31. Names of popular clubs in 1979
32. Photos/Video of the following bands playing either at Bayou or elsewhere in DC:
a. Slickee Boys
b. Insect Surfers
d. Tru Fax and the Insaniacs
e. Bad Brains
33. Punk bands – classic punk in DC 1980s
34. Photos/Video of the old 9:30 – both inside and outside
35. General photos of what the music scene in Georgetown looked like mid 80s – the variety and diverse nature of punk/rock/R&B/reggae/go-go
36. “Marine-type staff” Bayou Floor-men of the Cellar Door era
37. WPA / DC SPACE / 9:30 Club
38. JOAN JETT in the 80s – pics
39. Cellar Door Productions arena shows, DC101 radio spots, advertisements from DC101
40. Photos of the Bouncers of the late 80s era
41. 9:30 roster
42. Color postcards, tickets, memorabilia from 9:30
43. Video of old 9:30 exterior/interior
44. Video of the beginnings of grunge and “arthouse rock”
45. KIX, hard rock groups at the Bayou (Richard Harrington name drops)